
Tick Twister (2 pack)

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“Post original prescription to: PO Box 999, Tweed Heads, NSW 2485”

  • Tick Twister enables a safe, quick and painless removal of ticks.
  • Tick Twister does not leave the tick's rostrum in the skin.
  • Tick Twister does not squeeze the tick's abdomen.
  • Comes in a pack of two, 1 large and 1 small twister.

Directions for use:

  • Holding it vertical to the tick, simply hook the flat forked part under the tick, between it and the pet's skin.
  • When in as far as it will go simply rotate the TWISTER several times and without pulling the tick will release its hold for safe disposal.
  • This removes the risk of leaving tick heads in the skin to cause infection which is common with many tweezers.