
AlphaTRAK 3 Control Solution (2 x 4ml bottles)

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“Post original prescription to: PO Box 999, Tweed Heads, NSW 2485”

AlphaTRAK 3 Control Solution is for use with the AlphaTRAK 3 Glucometer. AlphaTrak 3 control solution is a red liquid that contains a fixed amount of glucose and allows for a control solution test. The purpose of a control solution test is:

  • To practice testing without using animal blood
  • To confirm that the meter and test strips work together properly
  • To use when you are unsure of the blood glucose test results

Please note that the AlphaTrak 2 system has been discontinued (see below for more information). AlphaTRAK 3 Control Solution is not compatible with the AlphaTRAK 2 Glucometer, which has been discontinued.

This product is for purchasing the AlphaTRAK 3 Control Solution only. It does not include the glucometer, test strips, lancets, lancing device or carry case. To purchase all of these items in a bundle, please see the AlphaTRAK 3 Blood Glucose Monitoring Starter Kit.

Designed specifically for pets

Blood glucose levels are different in pets with diabetes than they are in humans. That's why AlphaTrak 3 is specifically calibrated for dogs and cats, and therefore yields more accurate results¹.

AlphaTRAK is the same blood glucose monitoring system your veterinarian uses in the clinic for diabetic testing. Some pet owners use blood glucose monitors designed for use on humans to measure the blood glucose levels in their diabetic pets. But the blood of dogs and cats is different from one another, and very different from that of humans. Human meters do not take this difference into account and often underestimate the level of blood glucose in the blood of animals.

AlphaTRAK 3 is very easy to use

Please see the video on the following link for how to use the AlphaTRAK blood glucose monitoring system.

  • Sample strip automatically turns the meter on and off
  • Test strips are designed for fast wicking
  • Test begins only when meter has sensed enough blood
  • May add more blood to test strip for up to 60 seconds, resulting in fewer wasted strips
  • Angled sample area makes it easy to position strip to the blood drop on your pet

Product Support

For product support we recommend contacting the Zoetis customer support line on 1800 814 883 or emailing

AlphaTrak 2 Discontinued

The AlphaTRAK 2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System and the associated consumables have been discontinued by the manufacturer Zoetis. Please note that the AlphaTRAK 2 consumables are not compatible with the AlphaTRAK 3 glucometer. The AlphaTRAK 3 glucometer is also not compatible with the AlphaTRAK 2 consumables.
